Week 9: One Step at a Time

I had a love-hate relationship early in my journey with the 10K Runner iPhone AppOpens in a new tab.. On the one hand, I loved accomplishing something – even if I struggled with the program. It helped boost my confidence and made me look forward to the next challenge.

On the other hand, I hated that the progression in the app seemed so steep. I often struggled to finish a run and thought, “Is this thing crazy? How am I going to run an extra three minutes next time!” The program pushed me to my limit, and demanded even more the next time out.

Each time I load up the app and go for a run, I somehow manage to pull it off. While the progression seems aggressive on the surface, it works beautifully in practice. This week I ran for a solid 20 minutes straight. I didn’t think this was possible a month ago and I’m very proud of my accomplishment.

I did have a little shoelace mishap and, in my demented mind, stopping to retie it broke the chain and meant failure. Not to worry, though; I got to re-run it the very next time I went to the park.


Hey, I'm Walt, the Dad behind SlimDownDad.com. Juggling life with three active children (All Girls 😳), I'm navigating the world of fitness and family. The main focus of this blog is to serve as a fitness journal - a place where I can share stories and look back on my progress. My ultimate goal is to create a space where I can inspire other fathers to get out and be more active while making memories with their kids. Let's take on this adventure together!

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